Why Membership?

Why Membership?

Why Membership?

Why Membership?

Becoming a member of a local church is actually a big deal. The Bible teaches that membership in a local church is the normal expectation for a healthy Christian. Christians are called to assemble together regularly to build one another up in Christ (Hebrews 10:23-25), to encourage one another regularly (Hebrews 3:12-14), to work together to get the Gospel to lost people around the world (Matthew 28:18-20), to protect each other from sin (James 5:19-20), to guard the church from hypocrisy (Matthew 18:15-18), and to be built up by the regular teaching of God’s Word through gifted teachers (Hebrews 13:17).

If you are a Christian, we cannot tell you that you need to join Risen Christ Fellowship, but we can tell you that you need to join and immerse yourself in the life of a church family that faithfully teaches the Scriptures and cares for her members.

If you are not convinced, here is a list of reasons to join a church.

To carry out this vision, we have a three-step process toward membership at RCF.

1. Membership Matters Class

Because we believe the Bible takes church membership seriously, we want you to know what you’re getting into before you commit. We offer membership class so that you’ll know what membership is all about and how to prayerfully consider your involvement.

The membership class is split into three 90 minutes sections:

  • Class 1: What We Believe covers our Statement of Faith and what we believe as a church.
  • Class 2: Who We Are covers our church membership agreement.
  • Class 3: Life Together cover church polity and how we intend to live as a church for the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission. 

Taking these classes doesn’t make one a member, but it is the first step of the membership process. Attendance at all three classes is required before moving forward in the membership process. While we recommend you attend the three sessions in order, this is not necessary to complete the class.

We are currently offering in-person membership class every other month, on three consecutive Sundays, from 2pm-3:30pm with light snacks, coffee, tea and child care being provided as needed.

If you would like to participate in the next membership class, please click on the link below and sign-up for the class you'd like to attend.

2. Membership Interview

In a 60 minute meeting, the prospective member meets with an elder to provide basic biographical information and recount God’s converting work in his or her life. The prospective member would then sign the statement of faith and church covenant, and the application would go to the elders.
Once the membership interview has taken place, the elder(s) will review notes of the interview and decide whether the prospective member is ready to be recommended to the congregation or whether further conversations and considerations would be wise.

3. Integration

During a regularly scheduled bi-monthly membership meeting, an elder will share appropriate portions of a prospective member's testimony with the congregation who will then respond with a vote to bring them into membership. This vote is an affirmation of the new member’s profession of faith, the commitment to help them to heaven, and the expectation that they will do the same for them. After the vote, the moderator will ask for volunteers to reach out to the new members and welcome them. The new members will be added to the church directory for continued follow-up and prayer support.